Here I wanted to attempt a more modular building asset pack, and wanted to try designing my own futuristic style of architecture. There are 30 unique meshes here in total, all modelled in Maya, had details sculpted in Mudbox and then were textured in Adobe Substance 3D Painter. A low to high poly workflow was used and textured in a stylized fashion to suit the low poly nature of the models.
I also wanted this pack to be as easy to use for the developer as possible. Normally with my experience of using asset packs most wouldn't be easy to use, as I wouldn't know how to exactly line up certain pieces, if one should be placed on top of another or next to it. Here on most of the pieces I made it clear where the wall pieces should sit on the floor pieces and how they should align with the roof pieces, details that would make the developer's life easier while being hidden from the player.
All pieces were modelled in a fashion mostly with the interior to try and hide the modularity of the pieces. Floor pieces were also textured with a style that would allow them to line up perfectly with the industrialised sci-fi paint accents I put on the ends of the floor.
This pack will eventually be uploaded to Fab and possibly also the Unity Asset Store in the near future, there's still a few more pieces I would like to add to this before doing so