Here is the game studio project I was working on as part of a team, I was assigned as one of the environment artists/3D modeller. The team comprised mainly of 7 members, 1 Producer, 1 Technical Artist, 1 Programmer, 1 Audio Technician, 2 3D Artists, 1 Character Modeller and 1 Level Designer.
The game I got to name as "NecroCrypt" is a dungeon crawling 2.5D isometric view action adventure/puzzle game. You start off awake as a prisoner in a cell room and you need to either fight, jump puzzle or navigate through mazes. Most rooms will have 2 door options which will randomly generate a room "type" and one of 3 different rooms from those types, varying gameplay each run. The game comprises of 12 rooms during the demo, there are: 3 "fighting" rooms, 3 "puzzle" rooms, 3 "maze" rooms, main "boss arena", starting "cell block" room and the "shop" room at the end of the game.
One unique feature we added was during gameplay, if the player character was obscured by any of the environment details from the camera, there would be an X-ray material applied to a sphere collider around the player, which would trigger materials applied to certain objects such as walls to become invisible, making the player still visible to the camera unless the camera or player character moved away. There is also a "dash" ability to help navigate the jump puzzles/enemies, and there are randomised item or weapon drops generated in certain rooms.
Everything in this project was made ourselves apart from the animations. I was in charge of creating all of the environment props, furniture, concept art and the UI for this project