My first go at level design in Unreal Engine 4. I created Hogwarts and the Hogsmeade village from Harry Potter. None of the assets used are mine (apart from the quidditch hoops). The asset packs used in this project were: "MultistoryDungeons", "Medieval_Castle_Vol1", "Medieval_Houses_Vol2", "ModularFantasyHouse" and "AdvancedVillagePack".
Please scroll to the bottom to view blockout pictures and a walkthrough video.
Picture 1: Outdoor showcase of whole map. Picture 2: Inside The Great Hall. Picture 3: Bottom of moving stairs hall and library entrance. Picture 4: Potions Room. Picture 5: Rear of castle showing the wooden covered bridge. Picture 6: Rear courtyard with Hagrid's Hut and his pumpkin patch in the distance. Picture 7: Outdoor showcase of whole map 2. Picture 8: Outdoor showcase of whole map 3 with close up of main courtyard. Picture 9: Inside of Great Hall when coming through main doors. Picture 10: Top of moving stairs hall with entrances to the houses common rooms. Picture 11: Dumbledore's office (including the Goblet of Fire). Picture 12: Divinations room at the top of main tower. Picture 13: Outdoor showcase of whole map 4. Picture 14: Close up of Hogsmeade village with the house village dorms, village gates and Hogwarts in the background.